A quick update before I float off into the oblivion of very little internet access for the next few days.
I received the contract in the mail today, complete with the parents' signatures. As we're heading to a family reunion, we're just going to run into the city on the way and sign the papers at my Lawyer and then drop it off at their lawyer. One of my surro friends had her contract validated within a few days so I'm hopeful for a speedy process. As soon as everything is validated I can get a transfer date and a box-o-meds. Every girl's dream.
Saturday we're heading to a park in the city that has roller coasters and what not, I figure I'll get my thrills in now before it's too late!
More soon!
I received the contract in the mail today, complete with the parents' signatures. As we're heading to a family reunion, we're just going to run into the city on the way and sign the papers at my Lawyer and then drop it off at their lawyer. One of my surro friends had her contract validated within a few days so I'm hopeful for a speedy process. As soon as everything is validated I can get a transfer date and a box-o-meds. Every girl's dream.
Saturday we're heading to a park in the city that has roller coasters and what not, I figure I'll get my thrills in now before it's too late!
More soon!
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