I started testing 1dp5dt! (one day past five day transfer)
Got a shadow of a line (that no one else could see) on 4dp, a faint but THERE positive on 5dp, and today.... well... here's todays:
I apologize for the crappy quality, as it was taken from my phone, it looks better in person.
I didn't want to tell you all until after I'd told the IPs, and now that I've told them (this morning) I can tell you. so sit back, relax and read:
(btw, sorry it's hughlighted, I copied it from a forum where I post, and I didn't want to re-type)
WOW. So after all yesterday of trying to think of a cute way to tell them they were pregnant. Everything flew out of my mind as I gave into the urge, and told them to call me.
Around 8:45 I sent S(mom) a text. "Hey! Are you busy?"
"I can chat in 2 min..."
"Alright. Give me a call
"K.. J (dad) is finishing with a patient & he is going to join me to call u
I should pause here and explain, by this point, I think she knew she wanted her husband to be there. I've never asked them to call me (we usually just text or email because we're always at work). Last week, she told me to call if I got a positive, so I think she was hopeful as soon as she got my first text.
At 8:57 the phone rang, and they were both on the other end.
I don't have this recorded, and I'm kinda bummed I didn't think about it, so this may not be word for word.
When I answered, we did the whole "Hi, how are you? I'm great" exchange. Nothing special, but I could tell in their voice they were anxious.
I said, "So, do you have any guesses why I wanted you to call?"
They kind of jointly replied, "Well we have guesses, but we don't know..."
S spoke first and said "Did you take a test at home?!"
"I did.... and....... it was positive!"
They said something to each other, but it was garbled, and I couldn't make it out. I did hear her laughing though, not in the way that she thought something was funny, but in the way that she was sooooo happy."
J is a doctor, so, although he was glad, he said something a long the lines of, "I know it doesn't mean everything is set and we're clear, but that is really good to hear."
She said I just gave them the happiest moment of their lives. I can't wait to see their faces when they hold the baby(ies).
We spoke a few minutes longer. She asked how I felt, and thanked me a ton of times. He asked how it compared to getting a positive with my own son. I told him I was equally excited, and I am. Really.
I knew they were working and had patients to see, so I let them go. As soon as I got off the phone, I text her the picture you guys just saw above.
She text back " :::: ))))))))"
And then the last text "I am sooooo excited I can't even think straight!!! : )))
Got a shadow of a line (that no one else could see) on 4dp, a faint but THERE positive on 5dp, and today.... well... here's todays:
I apologize for the crappy quality, as it was taken from my phone, it looks better in person.
I didn't want to tell you all until after I'd told the IPs, and now that I've told them (this morning) I can tell you. so sit back, relax and read:
(btw, sorry it's hughlighted, I copied it from a forum where I post, and I didn't want to re-type)
WOW. So after all yesterday of trying to think of a cute way to tell them they were pregnant. Everything flew out of my mind as I gave into the urge, and told them to call me.
Around 8:45 I sent S(mom) a text. "Hey! Are you busy?"
"I can chat in 2 min..."
"Alright. Give me a call

"K.. J (dad) is finishing with a patient & he is going to join me to call u

I should pause here and explain, by this point, I think she knew she wanted her husband to be there. I've never asked them to call me (we usually just text or email because we're always at work). Last week, she told me to call if I got a positive, so I think she was hopeful as soon as she got my first text.
At 8:57 the phone rang, and they were both on the other end.
I don't have this recorded, and I'm kinda bummed I didn't think about it, so this may not be word for word.
When I answered, we did the whole "Hi, how are you? I'm great" exchange. Nothing special, but I could tell in their voice they were anxious.
I said, "So, do you have any guesses why I wanted you to call?"
They kind of jointly replied, "Well we have guesses, but we don't know..."
S spoke first and said "Did you take a test at home?!"
"I did.... and....... it was positive!"
They said something to each other, but it was garbled, and I couldn't make it out. I did hear her laughing though, not in the way that she thought something was funny, but in the way that she was sooooo happy."
J is a doctor, so, although he was glad, he said something a long the lines of, "I know it doesn't mean everything is set and we're clear, but that is really good to hear."
She said I just gave them the happiest moment of their lives. I can't wait to see their faces when they hold the baby(ies).
We spoke a few minutes longer. She asked how I felt, and thanked me a ton of times. He asked how it compared to getting a positive with my own son. I told him I was equally excited, and I am. Really.

I knew they were working and had patients to see, so I let them go. As soon as I got off the phone, I text her the picture you guys just saw above.
She text back " :::: ))))))))"
And then the last text "I am sooooo excited I can't even think straight!!! : )))