
Thursday, May 29, 2014

Review-- Chance for Love; Boxed Set of Dangerous Romance--

Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial.

I had the chance to review a great box set of dangerous romance novels, but Author Rachelle Ayala.
I highly recommend this to any dangerous romance reader :)
 In over 900 pages, Rachelle has manged to build suspense and romance without having either overshadowed by the other. Descriptive wording and wonderful plot lines allowed me to settle in and enjoy the books.

To read my entire review, please check out The Full Blog Post, here.

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

Monday, May 26, 2014

I know it's only been 4 days...

... and I realize today is a holiday.... but...

I want things moving!

I still have to officially sign the papers to retain my lawyer, which means he needs to send them to me, and then we'll have to schedule a time to review the contract. That part shouldn't be very time consuming. I've read the contract already and reviewed different parts so I know what questions need asking.

As far as the house hunt goes...

It's not.

Again, we've only been looking for a few days but both places we found and liked were snatched before we could claim them.

Today, being a holiday, we've achieved absolutely zero, so we'll start again tomorrow.

Wish us luck,...

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Moving, Contracts and Lawers

I've been in Arizona for the past two months. While there, my husband and I decided to move to a different part of the state we live in. This not only gets him closer to the University he attends, but also the Intended Parents, which will make things a lot easier for when THE time comes.

We moved officially on May 21st, and on the same day, I received my contract for review. As far as I can tell, I have no changes to make and MAYBE two questions. I'm anticipating a quick legal process.

Today, I retained the lawyer I will be using.

Pretty exciting stuff :)

On a side note, I'll be doing some reviews on some products on this blog as well as my Youtube channel. 

So watch out for those!

Saturday, May 10, 2014

matching--again, and again...

By December of 2013, I'd put in applications with a few agencies, and I'd begun looking for independent couples as well.  Three couples stood out, and in the end, I chose couple number two.

Couple number two were sweet, and kind. We got along great together and by January, we'd made plans for me to fly to them and do our medical and psych screening.

I did.

To make a long, long story, shorter, the match ended. 

I was heartbroken, as I had been the one to officially call it quits.  I felt like I'd broken a dream and that was a horrible feeling.  With time, I knew I made the right decision... I'd been blinded by the newness of it all, and after several people pointed things out to me, and with changes in my own life, it was not meant to be.

When things quieted, I turned to my lawyer.  The same one who had represented me for the twins' pregnancy.  He had a few couples that were looking for a surrogate, and I was need of a couple.
I filled out a questionaire, and pretty soon was looking at a profile of a new couple.

There was something different about this couple.  It felt like when I'd looked at my FIPs profile.  I knew this was the couple I wanted to work with.  As fate would have it, they wanted to work with me as well.

So in March we were matched, and in its end days I met with the clinic's doctor and was given the okay.

In April my husband and I completed our blood work and psych evaluation.  Everything was cleared, it was a go.

And now you're current with me, waiting for all the legal to begin, then the meds...then the transfer... and then hopefully... two pink lines.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Choosing Surrogacy-- Again

Deciding to become a surrogate, again.  It both similar, and yet so different in comparison to your first time.

With the second time, you know the good.. you've experienced it. More than likely, you've probably experienced the "bad". 

I was lucky in that my FIPs
(former intended parents) were amazing. Regarding them, there were no "bad" things. 

I've known from almost the instant I was pregnant that I would do a surrogacy again.  the question was always "when". Now, it was "with who?"

The twins' parents were content with their new family. The agency I worked with no longer wanted to work with surros in my state....

What now?

I decided to wait and not decide.  I was only two months post partum, so it wasn't like I was planning on a pregnancy any time soon. 

In November of 2013, I received a call from my agency. Friends of my FIPs, were going to go with the agency, and had requested me. They would make an exception in this case.
I told them I'd think about it.

After talking with my husband, we decided to pursue it, and see where it would take us. We would still have to meet them and see if we "clicked". So, I told the agency "yes".

Long story short... the agency decided that it wasn't something they were going to do after all, and I was back where I started.

Did I want to try to do another surrogacy?  Did I want another child of my own? If I choose to be a surrogate again, would I want to find another agency or would I "risk" going independently?

So many things seemed up in the air.

I decided to casually explore all options of surrogacy.... to see where it led me.

It wasn't a definite decision like that first time.. it was different somehow...

A different thought process...

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

After- Surrogacy

  • I healed really well after the twins' birth.
  • Lost all my pregnancy weight (25lbs) +8lbs more, 1 week after.
  • I had dis-solvable staples that were inside my incision. They were supposed to dissolve in 6 weeks.  It took 3 months.
  • The nurses at the hospital were so sweet, always complementing me, and reminding me that I did an amazing thing.  I think they thought I was going to break down.  I didn't. I felt great.  It was like some type of high...
  • I never had tears... never. Not when I had them, not when I left, not even now.
 How are the twins--
  • They're great. As far as I know.  And that's okay. 
  • The parents and I "parted" on wonderful terms.  I got pictures a lot the first week, and it slowed down after then.  I only see pictures occasionally now.
  • They are fat and healthy.
  • They are loved.
  • Their parents are amazing and deserved this.
  • Out of respect for the parents, I do not/will not be posting photos of the twins, but know that they are beautiful. 

I have no excuse.

I wish I could say something epic for my absence, but I can't.  I'm not very good at blogging. I am striving to be better.

I left you all hanging at 20 weeks.

I would have to write several blogs to adequately sum everything up, but I just don't have THAT much time. 

So, I'll do the best I can.  I'll copy and paste my birth story below, so you can read it if you desire, but here are the basics...
June 2013- July 2013
  • Nothing much! just growing
  • Mid July-- last days at work.
August 2013
  • 08/04/2013: Gall Bladder Infection-- ICU stay due to low potassium
  • 08/04/2013: Free from the Hospital at last!
September 2013
  • Blood Pressure starts to elevate
  • Decide to Induce on 09/09/2013
  • Ultrasound confirms Baby A is Breech
  • 09/09/2013:  C-Section
Baby Stats:
Henry Clark was born weighing 5lbs 10ozs and 18 inches long. His sister Haley Kraft was born 2 minutes later weighing 5lbs 2ozs and was 17.5 inches long. Neither baby needed time in the nursery and was able to go straight to mom and dad who were ecstatic.

Birth Story:
I went to bed early on Sunday night, hopeful to get some sleep. My sleep had not been exactly “good” in the last few weeks. Kicks, hiccups and hourly trips to the bathroom ensured I never actually experienced a deep sleep. I was supposed to be at the hospital at 5am, 2 hours before my surgery was scheduled. I woke up a bit earlier than I planned, but I found stuff to content myself with. Soon, I was in the car and heading to the hospital.

When I got there, they drew my blood for the cord banking, hooked up my IV and inserted my catheter. I think I may have been more nervous about the catheter than the spinal I knew I would receive for the c-section. It wasn’t that bad actually. I didn’t really feel it going in and once it was it only took a few minutes to get used to the feeling. You really wanted to know about my catheter… didn’t you??

Anyways… they called in the on-call radiology guy and he performed a quick scan. Baby A was still breech; the section was “for sure” now.  I was a tiny bit disappointed, but realized I somehow knew that this was going to be the outcome since the day prior. The parents got to the hospital at 6am and we were told that my c-section was actually going to be delayed until 7:30am. It wasn’t a huge difference, but it seemed like forever away. To distract me, they did tell me some awesome news. The OB department director had pulled some strings and not only were BOTH parents going to be allowed into the Operating Room, but I was going to be allowed one support person as well. It was AWESOME, and something our hospital had never allowed before.  It was the perks of a unique situation.. and perhaps the fact that the hospital all knows me as I worked there.

Finally they come to take me over to the Operating Room. My Mom, and the parents are told they will be brought over later. I will be given the spinal and prepped before anyone else is allowed in the room. I felt a little like a celebrity as I was wheeled down the hall, everyone was smiling and saying hi to me. It was sort of hilarious. When we got to the OR, the nurses taking me in suited up and the anesthesiologist and his student came out to get all my consents for the spinal and tell me all the risks. It was pretty basic. I do remember the anesthesiologist commenting about how I couldn’t be the one about to deliver twins… I was too small. That made me feel slightly less like the huge whale I’d become.

I was wheeled into the room, and I got onto the OR table. They started prepping me for the spinal right away. It took a bit for them to get it in. The student was having a hard time finding the right spot, and for some reason the local numbing shot they gave me wasn’t working like it should have, every time they poked I could feel it. Four “locals” later, I finally didn’t feel it and they were able to get the spinal in. This may have taken longer than getting the babies out… really… I should have looked at the time.

The entire time this was happening it was a very good experience. The nurses holding me up were calm and relaxing as they spoke to me and the rest of the team in the room were joking. It definitely helped keep me at ease. I took a few deep breaths, but managed to not have a panic attack or start crying as I felt the spinal start to work. First my butt went a little tingly, and then my legs… they felt “asleep”. I’m sure you know that feeling…

So, they laid me down and placed my arms out on either side. They started doing “tests” to see how the spinal was working. The first sense you lose, as they told me, is temperature. So they would run cold alcohol wiped up the side of me and I would tell them when it became “cold”. They elevated my lower half to just a tiny bit above my top half to help spread the spinal. Pretty soon, I guess I wasn’t feeling it… because they let the parents and my mom in.

I should go back for an second and explain that the entire OR staff hadn’t been told about the 3-person exception, so while I was getting my spinal I kept hearing people say they were NOT letting everyone in… it worried me. Then I heard my doctor overrule everyone and tada… my mom was sitting by me and I asked her if the parents were in the room as I couldn’t see them. They heard me and spoke to me and said they were. I could hear the anxiousness and excitement in their voice.

The next thing I knew I heard my doctor say “we’re started” and less than two minutes later I head “there’s a foot” and a strong little cry as Baby Boy was pulled out of my stomach. They flashed him over the curtain so I could look for just a second and then they took him away. Then I heard them find another foot, but I didn’t hear anything after. I heard the doctor mention something about Baby Girl’s face being lodged or something… I asked my mom if she was okay and the doctor answered that she had just got in a weird position so it was taking a second to pull her out. I heard them say she was out, but no one showed me her, and I heard no cry. I asked again if she was okay because I couldn’t hear anything… good or bad. My doctor said she was fine and breathing but a little stunned. Meanwhile, her brother hadn’t stopped screaming. Then I heard a tiny squeal and my mom told me that was her. She was fine.

I remember the dad coming over and giving me a big thumbs up as both babies were cleared. He looked so happy. The babies were wheeled from the OR and the parents followed, the mom stopped by and grabbed my hand, she thanked me over and over. She told they were perfect and healthy and I had done amazing. They followed after the babies and it was just the team, my mom and I in the OR now. After the babies were out, and they started getting me all back together, I started to feel sick to my stomach, or at least I thought I did… I couldn’t really feel anything, but I seemed to feel sick.  They pushed some Zofran through my IV and the feeling went away so I guess it worked.

As the doctor was finishing my stitches I asked him if he could tell if I would have any uterus related problems with the next pregnancy. Could I have a vbac… etc? He said I had a perfect uterus, it was still thick and strong and healthy and I could easily have several more pregnancies. That was so awesome to hear.  When he was done the moved me onto the regular hospital bed and then wheeled me into recovery where I had to stay for 30 minutes.

With my son, my epidural wore off before I actually delivered him, and I was up an hour later. So when they anesthesiologist told me I wouldn’t have feeling for about four more hours it was really odd to take in. I remember laying in recovery and staring at my legs, willing them to move. It was the oddest feeling ever. I felt very disconnected. I saw them moving my legs, but somewhere in my head they weren’t MY legs, because it “felt” like my legs were weighted down on the ground.  After thirty minutes they wheeled me into my post-partum room.

I felt AWESOME for the next few days. I hardly needed pain medication, and I was on a natural high anyways after I got to see the parents with their babies. My blood pressure spiked the last day of the hospital so I was sent home with a blood pressure prescription, but c-section wise I healed/am healing wonderfully. I took mostly just Motrin to deal with the pain after. I got down to my starting weight minus another 8lbs 1 week after delivery and was able to wear my old jean size.

This has been such an amazing experience and I’m so glad I got to share it with you all xx

Sunday, May 4, 2014


I realize I've been a little absent from this blog, but I am anxious and excited to get this going again. 

I will fill you in on the end of my surrogate pregnancy with the twins and once we're all caught up...

I'll tell you about this upcoming journey.  Yes... I'm going to do it again!

